Norman Swartz, Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus, Simon Fraser University.
Against All Odds, a video instructional series on statistics.
Francis Galton, Victorian polymath: geographer, meteorologist, tropical explorer, founder of differential psychology, inventor of fingerprint identification, pioneer of statistical correlation and regression, convinced hereditarian, eugenicist, proto-geneticist, half-cousin of Charles Darwin and best-selling author.
The Galton Collection, University College London
Galton's Quincunx, the predecessor of AAKKOZZLL
MSTE, The Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education, is a division of the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The goal of MSTE is to serve as a model-builder for innovative, standards-based, technology-intensive mathematics and science instruction at the K-16 levels.
Model Chance, a project to develop simulation software and classroom activities to help middle school students learn about probability.
Alexa, The Web Information Company, Alexa's Web site is built on the notion that timely and relevant information is essential to a vital web experience.